Registration Policy
An Industry United
WTC 2016 offers several types of member and nonmember registration options. For more information about a specific type of registration, please review the information below.
Registration Information
The Organizing Committee invites you to join the World Tunnel Congress 2016 and 42nd ITA-AITES General Assembly. Registrations should be made electronically by visiting Register. During the registration process, you will also be able to sign up for ITA-CET Training Courses, register for the accompanying person program, technical tours and purchase banquet tickets.
If printed registration is necessary, complete the WTC 2016 registration pdf form and return no later than 26 February 2016 to receive early bird registration pricing:
WTC 2016 - UCA of SME
Attention: Meetings Dept.
12999 E. Adam Aircraft Circle
Englewood, CO 80112
WTC 2016
Attention: Meetings Dept.
After 15 April 2016, on-site registration fees apply. Full payment MUST accompany the completed Advance Registration Form. When registering by phone, fax or online, DO NOT SEND ANOTHER COPY BY MAIL. Confirmation will be emailed to the individual at the address provided on the registration form.
Purchasing Tickets
Attendees must register to purchase tickets for social functions and/or tours; however, one registrant may purchase more than one ticket.
Registration Policy
All attendees and authors of the World Tunnel Congress 2016 are required to register. Badges are required for admittance to the technical sessions, exhibits and social functions.
Full Registration
Full conference registration includes: one digital copy of the WTC 2016 proceedings, participation in technical sessions, admittance to the opening session and keynote lecture, coffee breaks, lunch in the exhibit hall 25-27 April at the Moscone Center and access to the technical exhibit.
ITA Member Nations Category 3 Registration
Dicsounted conference registration is available for all ITA Members from the following nations: Azerbaidjan, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Iceland, Lao DPR, Lesotho, Macedonia, Montenegro, Myanmar, Nepal, Panama, Serbia, Vietnam.
ITA Members pay full conference registration unless they are from a Category 3 Nation.
ITA Member Nations Category 3 registration includes: one digital copy of the WTC 2016 proceedings, participation in technical sessions, admittance to the opening session and keynote lecture, coffee breaks, lunch in the exhibit hall 25-27 April at the Moscone Center and access to the technical exhibit.
ITA Young Member Registration
ITA Young Members registration is reserved for ITA Members under 35 years old.
ITA Young Member registration includes: one digital copy of the WTC 2016 proceedings, participation in technical sessions, admittance to the opening session and keynote lecture, coffee breaks, lunch in the exhibit hall 25-27 April at the Moscone Center and access to the technical exhibit.
Accompanying Person Registration
Registration as an accompanying person includes: guest badge, Sunday Accompanying Person Hospitality and Continental Breakfast, Sunday Welcome Reception, three tours organized Monday – Wednesday, gift bag, three-day municipal pass and accompanying person attendees list. For more information, please view the Accompanying Person Options or view the Events & Networking Tour Programs for more details about each available tour.
Student Registration
Student registration for the World Tunnel Congress 2016 must meet eligibility requirements. SME requires that an individual must be attending a college / university / higher education institute on a full-time basis to qualify for student registration rates. SME cannot process student registrations without evidence that you are a full-time student. Students enrolled in 12 or more semester credit hours are considered full-time. When sending your registration to SME Registration Dept. please provide confirmation from your educational institution. Acceptable confirmation includes: transcript, most recent report card, or official school registration documents. Student registration without this information will not be processed.
Student registration includes: one digital copy of the WTC 2016 proceedings, participation in technical sessions, admittance to the opening session and keynote lecture, coffee breaks, lunch in the exhibit hall 25-27 April at the Moscone Center and access to the technical exhibit.
Exhibitor Registration
Exhibitors receive two (2) complimentary, full conference registrations for each 10'x10' booth valid for registration bag/materials, technical sessions, exhibit hall functions and entrance. Additional exhibitor registrations can be purchased in addition to the complimentary registrations.
These additional exhibitor registrations include entrance to the exhibit hall and participation in the exhibit hall functions only.
To gain full conference access, exhibitors may purchase the Full Conference Registration.
For additional information on exhibitor registration at WTC 2016, please visit Exhibitor Registration.
ITA-CET Training Course Only Registration
ITA-CET Training Courses are available for an additional fee(s). Pricing for available workshops may vary. Full conference registration is not required to register for an ITA-CET Training Course.
Cancellation/Substitution Policy
If circumstances require you to cancel your WTC 2016 registration, you must do so in writing. Written notice must be sent to WTC Registration, c/o SME, 12999 E. Adam Aircraft Circle, Englewood, CO 80112. Cancellations postmarked on or before 23 March 2016 will receive a refund, less a $100 processing fee. There are no refunds for no-shows and cancellations postmarked after 23 March 2016. Registrants are responsible for the cancellation of their hotel accommodations. Substitutions will be accepted at no charge.
Digital proceedings will be available for pickup in the SME bookstore. Additional printed copies may be purchased.
Visas/Temporary Visitors to the U.S./Passports Requirements
All international visitors, regardless of country of origin, must present a passport or secure document when entering the United States. Visit Attendee FAQs, or for more information.
General Meeting Questions
Contact UCA of SME Meetings Department at +1.303.948.4200. For additional information, please visit Contact Us.
Letter of Invitation
UCA will send a letter of invitation upon request. Invitations are intended to help international delegates raise travel funds or obtain a visa. Request for letters of invitation must include: attendee name, job title, company name, mailing address (PO Boxes are not acceptable), city, state/province, country, zip/postal code, phone and fax number, and beginning and end dates of travel. Requests should also provide the address, phone and fax number of appropriate embassy.
Please send requests to:
By Mail
WTC 2016
Attention: Customer Service
12999 E. Adam Aircraft Circle
Englewood, CO 80112, USA
By Email
Please send requests for letters of invitation to: