ITA Training Course - Andre Assis
Meet the ITA Training Course Speaker
Andre Assis
About the Speaker
André Assis is Full Professor of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Brasilia (UnB), Brazil. He graduated at the UnB (1980), worked as geotechnical engineer (till 1984) and got his PhD from the University of Alberta, Canada (1990). In 1996-1997, he spent his sabbatical leave at the Mackay School of Mines, Univ. of Nevada at Reno, USA, and in 2005-2006, he was visiting professor at the EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne), in Switzerland. His research interests and consulting are on tunnelling, rock mechanics and rock-fill dams. He has already supervised 40 MSc and fifteen PhD theses, and published around 180 papers in international and national journals, congresses and symposia. He was president of the International Tunnelling Association (ITA), from 2001 to 2004, and of the Brazilian Tunnelling Committee (1998-2002). Presently, he is an expert member of the ITA Executive Council and chairperson the ITA Committee on Education and Training, and consultant of the Sao Paulo Metro Co., hydroeletrectric projects in Brazil and Ecuador, and technical advisor of the Herrenknecht Co.
About the ITA Training Course
Monitoring and Control in Tunneling
This training provides the purpose, methods, and examples of “monitoring” the effects of tunnelling, including the monitoring of tunnel machine performance, to control tunnelling to achieve acceptable excavation performance with stable underground structures, and prevent damage to existing structures and utilities. Due to the great variability in ground conditions, monitoring has an essential role in tunnelling regardless of method of excavation.
It is the only effective means to allow the tunnel design and construction procedures to be adjusted and validated as tunnelling takes place. Topics include instrumentation (equipment and typical applications), interpretation of monitoring data, role of monitoring in risk management, contractual aspects, and case histories. The course is of interest for owners, designers and construction engineers, supervisors, and managers.